50 Free Prints from Winkflash.com
Use coupon Code: AB784EW5 and get 50 free 4X6 photo prints from winkflash.com.
Details of this coupon:
1. Coupon valid for up to 50 Free 4x6 Prints.
2. Flat-rate shipping charge of 99ยข will be charged.
3. Coupon is good on your first order only.
4. One per household.
5. Valid on orders placed and shipped within the USA only.
Details of this coupon:
1. Coupon valid for up to 50 Free 4x6 Prints.
2. Flat-rate shipping charge of 99ยข will be charged.
3. Coupon is good on your first order only.
4. One per household.
5. Valid on orders placed and shipped within the USA only.
Thanks for the code. It worked great. A lot of the codes on the internet don't, but this one did (as of August 2006).
Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
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